Yudai Tanabe

Taken by my friend at the Kaminarimon gate (雷門)

Assistant Professor

I am an assistant professor in Department of Mathematical and Computing Science, School of Computing, Institute of Science Tokyo (renamed in 2024 after merging with TMDU, formerly Tokyo Institute of Technology).

I received B.S. degree from Department of Information Science, School of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2018, and M.S. and D.S. degrees from Department of Mathematical and Computing Science, School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology 2020 and 2023 respectively.

Formerly, I was a JSPS Research Fellow at Tokyo Institute of Technology (2022-2023), a program-specific researcher (postdoctoral position) at Kyoto University (2023-2024), and an Assistant Professor in Department of Mathematical and Computing Science, School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology (2024 Apr - Sep).

I am also a member of Association for Computing Machinery.


Postal Address:Department of Mathematical and Computing Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Ookayama 2-12-1 W8-35, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552 Japan
E-mail:yudaitnb [at] prg.is.titech.ac.jp
Office:E1005, West Bldg. 8E (“21” in the campus map)

research interests

My research interests focus on programming language design and programming language theory. I am currently engaged in the following research projects:

  1. Programming Language with Versions.   👉APLAS’23, 👉SLE’22, 👉‹Programming›’22
  2. Space-efficient Gradual Typing.   👉PLDI’24
  3. Safe Language Interoperability.   WIP.

I am also working with students on projects regarding language design, type systems, GPGPU, and live programming.

selected publications

  1. Space-Efficient Polymorphic Gradual Typing, Mostly Parametric
    Atsushi Igarashi, Shota Ozaki, Taro Sekiyama, and Yudai Tanabe
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL) , Vol. 8 (PLDI)
  2. Compilation Semantics for a Programming Language with Versions
    In Programming Languages and Systems. APLAS 2023 . Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  3. A Functional Programming Language with Versions
    The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming , Vol. 6 (1) , Pages 5:1–5:30